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Recipe, Stories and more about the Seafood

Join us as we explore the delicious and diverse world of seafood cooking! Our blog is filled with mouthwatering recipes, expert cooking tips, and information about the best types of fish and shellfish to add to your meals. We're passionate about promoting sustainable seafood practices and sharing our love of all things seafood with our readers.


Recipe|3 mins read

6 Important things to know before you buying Vanjaram Fish

Seer fish, also known as vanjaram fish, is particularly well-liked for its flavor and cost! This fish can swim quite quickly. Additionally, this fish fights vehemently when caught, making it quite challenging to catch. Hence the high price tag!Vanjaram, the priciest variety of seer fish, is available only in Tamil Nadu. The Goan seafood enthusiasts refer to it as Iswan/Viswon, whereas the Maharashtrians refer to it as Surmai. It is also consumed in Kerala, where it is sold under the name Neymeen.

byDaina Borman

20 Dec 2022

healthy seafood

Recipe|4 min read

Why is Seafood so healthy?

What if we told you that you are eating seafood without realizing how healthy it is?

Eating Seafood Dinner in Restaurant

Recipe|4 min read

Is Seafood Safe to Eat Every Day?

Are you someone who loves to add seafood to their diet every day and is kind of obsessed with it?